Jessica Baverstock Book Covers

There *Will* Be Aliens!

Recently while out shopping I came across this relatively innocuous packet of googly eyes.

Innocuous that is until you start reading the fine print. Starting with the fact that the pack as 141 eyes.

Not 140 eyes, as would be expected since pretty much everything we encounter on earth has two eyes, leaving you to assume a product designed to mimic that in craft projects would provide an even number.

But it gets even better. This packet comes with three different sizes of googly eyes.

  • 21 x 2cm eyes
  • 75 x 1 cm eyes
  • 45 x 1.5cm eyes

So no matter what size you choose, if you happen to be a completionist (which I am not) you will eventually end up with a cyclops.

It’s inevitable. Make your peace with it before purchasing the product.

A packet of googly eyes for a child's craft project.

Jessica Baverstock