Jessica Baverstock Book Covers

New Release: Be All My Futures Remembered

I am thrilled to announce the release of my science-fiction romance novel Be All My Futures Remembered in e-book and paperback.

(I know this post is coming later in the week than I normally publish. I’ve been waiting for the shop links to filter through before I send you to them.)

Here is the cover and blurb. Click the cover or the link below to go to the book’s page on my website which will then link you to shops where you can purchase it.

Cover for sci-fi romance novel Be All My Futures Remembered which shows a redheaded woman looking at a computer chip that she is holding in her hand.

Violet-Lee Brandston, a brilliant mind in the burgeoning field of temporal biology, has the potential to revolutionize the world with her ideas.

And save countless lives.

She just needs to land her dream job to do it.

Isaac Templeton needs a brilliant mind to save his project. But Violet-Lee comes with far more potential and personality than he bargained for.

As her world-changing dreams start to become reality, Vi faces decisions that could irrevocably impact her future…

…and her past.

Click here for links to where you can buy this book.

This release has been a long time in coming! I wrote this novel before my life turned upside down (more here if you’re not aware) but the story itself has been with me since my teen years. I remember telling the story to a friend of mine while we were sitting in a fish and chip shop waiting for our families’ order. Now it’s finally ready for a life of its own.

I’ll be honest and say there has been quite the drought of releases from me over the past few years. But I am starting to pull things back together. I have other projects that are moving toward completion, so I’m planning on having more good news in the coming year.

In the meantime, grab a copy of Be All My Futures Remembered and get to know Vi and Isaac. (And Dan! Very important to know Dan.)

Jessica Baverstock