Category: Uncategorized
I’m currently updating my website. Part of that process may have somehow sent out multiple emails of gobbledygook (which turns out to be one word. Who knew?). If you received those emails, I do apologise.…
(Artwork by Martina_Bulkova on Pixabay) We are regularly surrounded by creative outputs by very talented people—amazing artwork, best-selling fiction, Oscar-winning movies, chart-topping music. Does that mean those are the standards we should be aiming for?…
Some people find their ‘logical’ side of the brain or critical voice useful. They feel they can create with their creative voice and then once they’ve got everything down on paper, they can open the…
As I said in a previous post, NaNoWriMo is approaching. It’s the month when participating writers aim to write a novel of 50,000 words in 30 days. I’ve done it before. It’s loads of fun.…
Cash Edison graces us with his presence to help read this episode’s story. If you’d like to see the cover and blurb for this episode’s story, click here. If you’d like to see more about…
I came across this article I wrote several years back now and thought it was worth putting a link to it here. Its for all those creatives who love starting projects but struggle to continue…