Jessica Baverstock Book Covers

Baverstock’s Allsorts: Volume 1

Title: Baverstock's Allsorts Volume 1, Second Edition
Series: Baverstock's Allsorts #1
Release Date: First Edition: May 9, 2014, Second Edition: February 27, 2018
Genre: , ,
Pages: 190
ISBN13: Second Edition: 978-1985181779
ASIN: First Edition: B00K8O0GNO, Second Edition: B07B47QQF6

A trader on a distant planet discovers an impossible stone, an entirely pleasant kidnapping goes awry, and a young woman learns what it means to be a world nomad.

Now with more than double the stories, this second edition of Volume 1 contains an eclectic collection of twenty-one short-short pieces.

Showcasing the versatility, imagination, comic wit, and pathos of author Jessica Baverstock, this perfect companion to an afternoon tea break or a morning commute will tickle your funny bone and tug at your heartstrings.

Baverstock's Allsorts Volume 1 draws together science-fiction, period fiction, comedy, poetry, romance, literary fiction, a children’s story, and even a newspaper article with a twist in a collection that has something for everyone.

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Jessica Baverstock