Jessica Baverstock Book Covers

“Earnestine” Finally Released!

The day has finally arrived! Earnestine,” a beloved short story which has taken far too long to find its way to print, is now available in e-book and a cute little 32 page paperback!

Earnestine is a dearly loved character in my family and I’m so thrilled she now gets to see the light of day and can become a part of your family too!

Earnestine is a consummate performer.

She lives for the roar of the audience: the waves of applause crashing down upon her as she entertains them, the ebb and flow of crowds coming and going from the Las Vegas stage she calls her own.

But as her audiences dwindle and her aching loneliness increases, Earnestine searches desperately for a solution to her problems.

Only one thing stands in her way.

One unavoidable fact.


…is a walrus.

To get your own copy, in e-book or paperback, go to Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, or other stores.

If you’d like to be kept up-to-date on my releases, you’re welcome to sign up to my fan list.

Jessica Baverstock