Back in September I started blogging again. I hadn’t blogged in several years and I needed the impetus of providing something every Tuesday to get me back into a production habit.
And I needed to get back in touch with my Creativity. (In case you’re new here, my Creativity is a very opinionated little girl with multi-coloured pigtails and a ridiculous sense of humour who lives in my head. See older posts to meet her.)
I needed to hear her voice and get back in touch with the wackiness that makes up my creative process.
I’ve now done that for over five months, and it’s been both enjoyable and cathartic.
But now it’s time for a change.
I’ve been giving a lot of thought to my audience—who I want to attract as subscribers to my blog. The audience I want to attract are fiction readers who will be interested in my books and stories. Are they also interested in finding their Creativity? Perhaps, but not all of them.
So I feel the need to pivot.
I feel the need to write something that will show prospective readers that I’ve got an interesting, enjoyable writing voice.
The problem with writing with Creativity taking over the middle of my posts is that I have to write as the straight woman to Creativity’s funny/crazy/wacky. It flattens my own natural writing voice and contrasts it with a really way-out-there voice that doesn’t give readers an accurate idea of what my stories are like.
Does that mean Creativity won’t appear in my posts any more? I have no idea. I can’t imagine her shutting up, so I’m assuming she will appear from time to time, but not every week as has been the case from September.
So what will appear?
That I’m still figuring out. I’m flexing my idea muscles and seeing where my Creativity takes me (just because she’s not appearing here doesn’t mean she’s not appearing in my head every blessed day with utter randomness for me to sift through and riff off). I want to be amusing. I want to be thoughtful. I want to be endearing.
How will I accomplish all that? One step at a time, I guess.
I also won’t be posting weekly anymore. At the moment I’m thinking fortnightly but with some other extras in between time. (Does that sound like weekly? Who knows at this point!).
One of those extras will be a free short story per month. Yep, every month you’ll be able to read one of my short stories for free. In March it will be “Buried Jewels” so stay tuned for that on March 1st. (And bear in mind that I live in Australia. It’s the future here by several hours to almost a whole day, depending on where you are. So if you want to read the story, please remember that the story might disappear earlier than you expect.)
So I hope you’ll come with me as I make these changes and let me know what you think of my attempts to provide something different.
And, in other news, I’ve written a short story that connects to Be All My Futures Remembered and reveals extra information about a couple of key characters. It will be a freebie for subscribers to my fan list. I’ll give you more information (and a cover reveal) soon.