Title: Neville and the Petulant Ferret: A Neville Hardencourt IV Short Story
Series: Neville Hardencourt IV
Release Date: June 27, 2021
Genre: Humor, Literary, Short Stories
Pages: 17
ISBN13: 9781005122607
ASIN: B098314286
Also in this series:
Series: Neville Hardencourt IV
Release Date: June 27, 2021
Genre: Humor, Literary, Short Stories
Pages: 17
ISBN13: 9781005122607
ASIN: B098314286
Buy the Book: Amazon, KoboNeville Hardencourt IV is a quintessential gentleman, always ready to help a friend—even if that friend has got himself into a predicament which common sense and a modicum of forethought could have prevented.
Lord Pepperington is just such a friend and his lost pet just such a predicament.
But there are limits. And Lord Pepperington’s choice of pet may have just reached Neville’s limit.
A short gallivant through St James’ Park with the lovable hero of the Neville Hardencourt IV series.
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